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It’s funny how people here don’t focus on the music and just go off tangents. This album haven’t  ...
leongl 發表於 2019-9-14 23:34

I think you're overreacting a little bit. It is normal to speculate her relationship with Warner, considering how little visibility she has gotten over the past two years since winning Female Gold at CRHK. Janice only released five new songs in the past two years, which is low compared to Alfred or Dear Jane. Ideally, it would have been smart to keep Janice's momentum going after winning Female Gold, but Warner chose to redirect their focus on the Mainland market. Janice, while experienced, is not well known in Mainland China so I'm not sure why Warner decided to have her do concert tours there. Money might have been a factor , but she's not top tier and probably makes less than people think.

Also, it's obvious that Warner is thinking about the future with Mag and Panther's signings. Janice and Jill's contracts are rumoured to end at the end of the year and I think Warner knows it is unlikely that they'll resign. Janice seems to want to do other things besides music so she may not want to release albums or tour anymore. I also think there's financial baggage with Jill at Warner. The whole 2 for 1 deal that they made years ago seemed quite dumb in my opinion. Jill was never going to get the full support she needed from Warner, living under Janice's shadow.

As for this album, it's a bit premature to say there's zero promotion. I did find it weird that Janice didn't do local interviews when Holy Workout Song came out. She was worshipping in North America. At first I thought it was a work trip, but it wasn't so that was weird. Sometimes I think Warner gives her too much freedom and it can read as complacency. I also think you're underestimating how many fans she has on this forum. If we didn't care about her, we wouldn't be talking about her (or her future).


回復  angelicdestiny
I dont think i'm overreacting at all as you basically recited what i said   ...
leongl 發表於 2019-9-15 02:32

Dude, you just wrote like a two page essay. While I agree with some of your points, I feel like (and judging from other posts on here) Janice's lack of exposure is contributing to her dwindling popularity. Like I said before, Janice finally got the acclaim after a 12 year wait for Female Gold. Casual fans want to see her succeed and push her career to the next level, but because Warner chose to reposition her as a touring artist when her home base is in Hong Kong. HK listeners want to hear more of her, which is why it's so frustrating when she does sporadic releases. There seems to be an imbalance with how her career is being handled and I don't think it's necessarily positive.

I know It's not a fair comparison, but the fact that Alfred and DJ releases music consistently shows their work ethic and hunger. It's extremely obvious with Alfred who has released 2 full albums and a dozen singles since he signed. His songs are mostly boring, but he is still hustling and wants that validation. Janice, on the other hand, is content with what she has and doesn't look to do more, which isn't a bad thing... but it's disappointing for fans like me who want consistency. I don't know what her contract terms are, but I think Warner's being extremely lenient with her working pace. If Janice was with another company, they probably wouldn't tolerate her taking so much time with her music (which is good but not revolutionary).

As for Jill, it is a financial burden if she's not making profits to cover the production fees for her songs. This is why her and Jude are always being put in the back burner because not a lot of people buy their songs. It's hard to market Jill independent of Janice, which is why I don't think they'll fully support her if Janice does leave. The "family" argument is silly in my opinion because it's still a business at the end of the day. Ella is not comparable because she is riding out her contract and probably doesn't have any desires to come back to music. She doesn't even attend events like Kary does.

Anyway, I'm deviating. I hope this album is good, considering how long it has taken to record.


年度大碟,鐵蘭花好正,摩西的煩惱有D Sammi feel,Janice每一首歌都演繹得好好,估唔到Alex Fung咁啱佢。


stephybest 發表於 2019-9-20 00:36

同意,隻碟都幾偏下,其實有冇需要每首歌都講God?,Sammi隻福音碟都有唱D self love嘅歌啦,Janice嘅演繹同唱功救左隻碟。






kk8733 發表於 2019-10-16 00:59



你又唔講埋gin lee? aga出身於環球點同呀
真雙普選 發表於 2019-10-16 20:02



Janice今晚好靚,好耐冇見佢係台上咁開心,睇來佢有返初出道都innocent enjoyment,不過講到freedom,華納其實最好。

